The Undertaker's Horse Fish - Kipling SIDE A: The Undertaker's Horse The Prodigal Son Boots The Old Issue The Hymn to Breaking Strain The Press "Birds of Prey" March Tubal and Jubal Hadramauti SIDE B: The Sergeant's Weddin' Bridge-Guard in the Karroo Dane-Geld Hyenas Natural Theology Danny Deever We and They Tomlinson All songs by Rudyard Kupling Set to music by Leslie Fish, by permission of the National Trust 1985 Off Centaur Publications (BMI) OCP-48 Leslie Fish: Lead Vocals, 12-string guitar; Dominic Bridwell: Vocals; Margie Butler: Pennywhistle arrangement; Catherine Cook: Keyboard arrangement; Ellen Guon: Keyboard arrangement; Frank Hayes: Vocals, Typewriter; Paul MacDonald: Vocals; Keith Marcum: Snare drum; Arlin Robins: Spoons; Kevin Roche: Vocals, Clarinet arrangement Producer: Teri Lee Sr. Engineer: Jeff Rogers Artwork: Arlin Robins Asst. Engineer: Teri Lee